June 25, 2009

Stop. Look around. Appreciate the little things.

Every morning as I walk to work I see a Buddhist Monk doing his daily alms. Most days I am running late and rushing down the street to get to class ontime...however this day was different. First of all, daily alms is giving and receiving ritual. This is often perceived as giving laypeople the opportunity to make merit. Most Buddhist people donate food to the monks to gain merit and improve their karma.

Oh karama!

The monk is always dressed in the trademark bright orange saffron robe. You can see him coming a mile away. So the other morning as I am walking past I see a little girl (about 6 or 7 years old), placing an envelope in his bowl. She bends down to wai him and pray to him. I overhear him say something in Thai to her. This whole exchanged lasted only moments but it stopped me in my tracks and took my breath away. I smiled at the simplicity of it, the meaning of it, the importance it has in peoples lives.

I have been noticing a chance in myself lately. I have noticed I have a smile on my face a lot and its those little things that are making me smile. It took me a while to get here but I am happy.

June 18, 2009

Wai Kru Ceremony

Wai Kru Ceremony is a Thai ritual in which students pay respect to their teachers in order to express their gratitude and formalize the student–teacher relationship. The ceremony is usually held shortly after the beginning of the first term, on a Thursday, as Thursday is traditionally the day of Bhaspati, Vedic god of wisdom and teachers. The students recite the wai khru chant, which expresses respect for and gratitude to the teachers, and asks for the teachers' blessing of their studies. Following this, a select number of students, usually the representatives of each class, will present the teachers with offerings of flowers, candles and joss sticks (Wikipedia). I saw one of my students, Bomb, before the ceremony and he was a class representative for his major/faculty (Bio-technology). He is one of the students in the video below! Watch it!

I snuck in the picture of me, so you can see my pretty smiling face! Ha Ha! I know how all of you love it when I take those kinds of pictures.

June 13, 2009


Saturday night I headed out to the Impact Arena to watch the World Acrobats Show, Balagan!!! It was everything I was hoping for and more. I am a big fan of these kinds of shows...Cirque de Soleil-esque. It had a variety of acrobatic movements, athleticism, comedial choreography and rhythmic dance. I am so glad I went. And there was a little girl sitting in front of me that made my night! She could not have been more than 2 years old. And at one point, she was asking for something and when she did she waied (I know I told you about waiing before, its when you put your hands together in prayer like and bow your head, in a sign of respect). She had this little innocent angelic face which was so precious. I would sneak a look at her from time to time during the show and every time I did...you could see the happiness and excitement in her eyes. She would light up, giggle, and laugh...it was so beautiful and genuine. It really made me miss my nieces ever so much more than I already do.

Today I met up with a former student I tutored and we went to the movies. We saw a Thai film, Roommates. Now generally Thai movies have English subtitles ahhhh but not this one. Haha. Yup all in Thai. It was an interesting two hours. But I am one smart cookie and was able to figure out what was going on.

Which reminds me, last week I saw an independent Thai film, Wonderful Town. Sponsored by the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand. It was decent. Nothing spectacular. What was spectacular was the wine that they were serving up...mmmmm wine from a Thai winery. I dig.

Tomorrow starts week three of the semester. Let's just hope that it goes better than the last two crazy weeks. I am looking forward to Thursday though...its the Wai Cru Ceremony...I'll tell you more about that later.

June 9, 2009

Patience Heidi Patience.

I told you last week that my schedule changed four times, right?! Let me tell you it has already changed twice this week and its only TUESDAY!!! Can we say... frustrating?! UGH. I start teaching a class, start learning names, read over the syallbus, create classroom rules, start building a rapport with students, etc... just to find out the class has been cancelled or I have been switched to teach another section.

Patience Heidi Patience.

If I had to name something I have learned here it is... be flexible!

On another note, I am heading to a screening of a Thai film "Wonderful Town" on Thursday night. That should be exciting! I'll let you know how it goes. I am hoping it is as good as the other Thai film I saw "A Moment In June" which reminds me I need to buy a few copies and send home...it really was a beauitful movie and I am sure some of you would enjoy it!

June 6, 2009

Reporting to duty...Ajarn Heidi Part Duex

The first week back is over! YAY! What a week. Okay so my schedule is not that bad...except for Fridays (teach 8am-5pm). They changed our schedules about 4 times this week...it was quite chaotic. I am teaching more classes this semester including one English grammar course. Oh if Ms. Smith (6th grade English teacher) could see me now. I spent better part of the week re-learning subject-verb agreement in order to teach it to my students. I may know the stuff but when it comes to explaining it...I can't. Great. Its going to be an interesting semester. Next up, determiners...