Today was my first day! Today I officially became Ajarn (Thai for teacher/professor) Heidi. Thankfully yesterday I took the university van service to the campus for a dry run (as I have never taken the van service before and never seen the campus of where I was going to be teaching). Thank goodness I did. What a mess! I teach at 9:30 am and apparently there is no van service to the other campus until 11am. So what does that mean for Ajarn Heidi??? That means she has to either flag down a van and beg them to take her to Hua Mak campus (can you imagine the language barrier here?) or find this one specific Thai woman in a yellow shirt who will flag down a van for me. I chose the latter this morning (I also met up with a seasoned veteran teacher who has been here for 6 years, he was super helpful this morning, thank goodness for Clayton)! Anyways back to teaching...today I taught 3 classes. Two basic classes and one level one. My basic students just starred at me, I have a feeling they had no idea what I was saying...even though I repeated myself and simplified the language. Oh man this is going to be hilarious! My level one students were so awesome that the lesson I planned for today and Thursdays class they breezed straight through them...oh crap now I need to create new lesson plans for them for Thursday. Oh the joys of being an unepxierenced teacher trying to create lesson plans and activities. HA ha ha ha. Mai Pen Rai! Mai Pen Rai!

Rule No. 1: Always over plan!
Rule No. 2: Improvise and throw out the plan when it isn't working.
How exciting Ajarn Heidi!! You are going to be such a great teacher. I am so proud of you and excited that the city will be easier for you to get to. I hope this has you feeling more like you got some independence back. I can't wait to read more about your adventures in teaching! Love you Karla
You made it through the first day. Everything from now on is down hill. Hey no new adds to the fish tally.
This is so crazy Heidi! I would love to be a fly on the wall for one class! But, look, you're doing it!! See, now I would have started crying the morning of my first day when I had no idea how I was getting to school. But, you??? You're so calm, cool and collected. My hero.
I love the pictures and I love reading your blogs. I feel like I'm turning the page to the next chapter in a good book.
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