Thailand beaches have finally redeemed themselves, this was absolutely gorgeous! Perhaps one of the most breathtaking views I have ever seen (and this island is supposedly not even one of the best, I have to travel further south for those). Friday night Shannon, Lauren, Jenn, and myself wandered around and found this cute place to eat on the beach...literally on the beach...mats on the sand, lanterns on the table, cushions as seats...adorable. After dinner we walked along the beach and heard a bar playing some good tunes and we gravitated towards it. It was a low key place where we befriended the two bartenders. We played Jenga with them as well as connect four. They gave us control of the music selection and taught us some bar tricks (how to get money from two bottles without touching the two bottles, etc). Here I flew my first 'khom loi' a.k.a. candle powered paper balloon lantern. It was awesome. We rounded off the evening with some sparklers, writing names in the sand, and a late night dip in the ocean...

Saturday, the rest of our group came to the island and we all went snorkeling. We got the entire boat to ourselves, sweet! On our 4 hour tour, we went to a fish farm, snorkeled the rocky uninhabited west side of the island, fished (many ate what was caught-I tasted), jumped from the top deck of the boat, and watched a glorious sunset. Lets just say that this day was near perfect. We continued on well into the night, starting with a group dinner then heading out to a couple beach bars where we spent majority of the night dancing. Fun Fun!

This morning was a rough one for some (me included...what?) but we sucked it up...got some grub and hit the beach before having to leave and come back to campus. I am telling you this place was wonderful! I am so excited to go back ...my mom and I are heading there for Christmas, YES!!!