So in honor of this holiday I made my way back to Koh Samet (shocking). But before I get into that...lets back track as I have not written in a while.
Last week Monday (2nd), Sam from the International office found us another free wine night. This time we had to dress up in our fancy black dresses and black trousers for the guys. Drinking on a Monday night is always fun and never a good idea! HA. From free wine to dancing the night away at a packed club (seriously packed on a Monday night- Thai's love to party). Then having to get up early for a day of teaching. Good times!
Thursday we had meetings with Dr. Supa about our next semester teaching assignments. I tell you meetings with her are never good. You would think that next semester would be similar to this one, right??? That I could use my lesson plans for next semester, right???? One would think! So our department (Center for English Development) is now officially merging with the English Department...what does that mean??? Well we don't exactly know...ha ha ha...But I am not qualified to teach grammar, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives, past continuous tense, subject pronouns...etc. I am not an English Teacher, I just play one in Thailand...I believe that I am actually getting stupider being that possible??? Whatever. Yes, I may have gotten riled up but nothing that a few cocktails couldn't take care some of us ended up partying on Khoa San Road at this Reggae and Ska bar (Brick House) until the weeeeeee hours of Friday morning. Now how I miraculously set my alarm and woke up early Friday morning to travel to Koh Samet is still a wonder to me.
Which brings me to my glorious weekend island vacation. Friday I traveled solo to the island and chilled on the beach and in all honesty passed out by 10pm. Saturday however Lauren, Shannon and their friend Becky made their way to the island, as well as some of the other teachers. We ended up sunning it up on the beach, getting massages, and playing card games before dancing the night away at the gay club at the end of the beach. Sunday we went snorkeling and went back to our Cambodia bar that we fell in love with. And let me tell you - we only went once -back in November but as we walked up the beach one of the bar tenders remembered us and he got sooo excited to see Lauren that he ran up to hug her. It was precious! Monday we soaked up our last bit of rays before heading back to Bangkok.
Today (Tuesday) I had a busy busy day with teaching and student meetings. This is my last week with my senior students (6 weeks sure has flown by) and they are starting to take the BIG COT TEST!!! So, lets see if cramming English down their throats for the last 6 weeks did any good. AAAAH. I am so nervous for them.
Next week is finals and my last class for my freshman students...then a few proctoring exams for the university ... and finally my 2 month VACATION!!! WOOT WOOT!!!
Love the picture. It was so nice to see and talk to you today.
Hey you!
Well I jealous is an understatement! Lovely!
Love the tattoo
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