March 3, 2009

Random Randomness

The past few days have been rather uneventful but somewhat interesting nonetheless. I went to the movies the other night. I have been to numerous shows before (they were American films in English with Thai subtitles) but this time Shannon, Jorge and I went to a Thai film...we saw 'A Moment in June' ( GREAT FILM. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was all in Thai with English subtitles. Once again it was a great movie. I probably will buy it so don't you worry you can borrow it when I get home.

Besides the movies I finally went to the outdoor running track in HuaMak with Shannon. En route to the track the other day it started to rain (Oh yeah, the rain has begun- I'll get back to that in a second) since we were already getting wet on the walk there we decided to run in the rain. I liked it. After running a few laps I started having memories of high school track practice and meets...thoughts I have not had in years...I thought of our pathetic little gravel track behind school, I thought of Sylene and her looking like she was always praying when she ran, I thought of Ms. Micellii making us run stairs or run to the beach and do sprints in the sand...It was nice to reminisce.

Ok back to the rain...the other morning, I woke up early to the sounds of rain drumming against a metal awning. It hasn't rained in about 4 months, is this the start of a new season??? Yep, I bet..the cool season is officially over. I should have mentioned that the temperature has been is usually around 90 degrees and ridiculously humid. UGH. I am one sweaty hot mess 24/7 these days. Its quite the site and its only going to get HOTTER!!! April is the hottest month in Thailand (thank goodness I will be traveling).

So today after proctoring, Shannon and I decided we needed to go to the pool...several of our friends had ventured to the hotel down the block and have cooled off at the rooftop today we made our way to the hotel...we strolled in as if we were guests and headed straight for the roof. Perfect. What a nice way to cool off!

Not much going on right now, I am proctoring finals for about 3-6 hours a day and then the rest of the time trying not to be bored. Yup, I said it...bored. I know there is so much to do in the city BUT I am trying to save my money for my summer travel its been a lot of reading, sweating, movie watching, working out, sweating some more and computer surfing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a few more weeks and you will be traveling.