October 20, 2008

The living quarters

My room is a tiny, cozy, and comfy place. I am on the 3rd floor. When you walk in you can see the huge clock tower out my screen door (I have a mini balcony) it really is a picturesque view I must admit! Immediately on my right is the bathroom. Everything in there is normal (I was worried I would have a squat toilet-most of the university bathroom stalls are those darn toilets in the ground like Japan, maybe its an Asia thing?) Continuing on, I have a shoe rack, various cubbie holes, drawers, a closet, full length mirror, TV, mini fridge, bed, desk, and a coffee table...you know all the standards...and yes, that my dear is a twin bed!
So take a look again and notice all those bare walls, I need some color...I need something that's for sure...perhaps you can send me some homemade drawings, sketches, postcards, pictures, and or posters...ah but that would entail you needing my mailing address...ok ok...I know I know...once I get it I will email it to you!


Anonymous said...

Mighty nice living quarter. At least you have a room with a nice view.

Theresa said...

Love the living space. Now unpack! :)

monkeys said...

fun fact. they say that people from asian countries have a significantly lower risk of getting colon cancer (and such) BECAUSE they use squat toilets... i still ain't using the damn things. USA! USA!

Unknown said...

omg heidi! ur blog is rockin'! those pics r absolutley gorge (gorgeous without the "eous" part) (lol...) !!!but i cannot believe that u r actually ijn thailand!! did u ever have to squat on those wierd toilets? weird! i miss u heidi! email me when u can! the pics r great! keep up the good work on the blog and everything!
i love you! love,
ur awesome lil sis...jana