October 28, 2009

Pictures from HOME

For those that have not seen my pictures from home...

October 26, 2009

Adjarn Heidi... third time's a charm.

Today was the first day of school. Oye. And guess who had an 8am class?? Pick me pick me!!! You guessed it. Aren't I lucky? Its okay, I don't mind. At least this semester I am not teaching any 3 hour classes. Thank God! This time around I am teaching English One and English One Conversation. As it stands I have a pretty awesome schedule! I teach Mon/Tues and Thur/Fri SWEET...WEDNESDAYS OFF!! I'll take it. As my friend Shannon said "I'll pay someone a hundred dollars to keep this schedule". But as we all know the first two weeks of classes are insane. Last semester my schedule changed 4 times in the first week. So I'll let you know how it all pans out later. OOOOH oooh and I forgot the most important thing...the best part...wait for it....I am teaching in HUAMAK! I mentioned to some of you how I was going to be teaching at the suburban campus (BangNa) but somehow luck was on my side and I once again got to teach at the city campus! YAY three cheers for whoever made my schedule!!! Rah Rah Rah! Finally I get to live and teach at the same campus!

October 22, 2009

My wonderful visit home...time to bid adieu.

These three weeks have gone by waaaay too fast for my liking. I do not like to or want to say goodbye. However, I remind myself that I will only be gone for 6...tops 7 months. My contract ends March 31st and then I plan on traveling a bit (Hong Kong, China, and South Korea) before I venture home for good. And when I return home, I will be greeted with 2 new members of my family...my sister is pregnant with her 2nd baby... due in March...AND my sis-n-law is pregnant with her 3rd child...due in April. WOOHOO!

While I have been home visiting with family and friends I have been able to do a lot. I went to the last Cubs game of the season, two Hawks games, Euchre, Bon Iver concert in Wisconsin, Karaoke party, Thanksgiving dinner, went to the movies and much much more. I have had nothing but an amazing time while home. I have missed you all so very much. I can't believe I spent a whole year without you but I am so glad that it seemed like a day never went by. These next 6 months will go by so fast, I promise.

Thank you to everyone who bought me a meal, a beer, or a glass of wine. It has been much appreciated. I ate well while home because of you! God only knows how I would have afforded all those delicious meals and drinks. And thank you mom for cooking some ever so decadent meals.

I wish I would have traveled the world sooner as I may have come to the realization that there is no better place than home. Leaving this second time has been harder than the first. I don't know if I will ever be able to leave again. I wish I had more time to spend with you but school starts on Monday. Big hugs and kisses! I'll see you soon.

October 9, 2009


Can you believe its been a year? I flew back to Chicago on October 1st and surprised my family....they all thought I was coming home on Oct. 7th. And over the course of 4 days I got to surprise my entire family. Every single one of them shocked to see me standing at their front door. My mom was speechless, my sister tearful, my brother baffled, my aunt surprised, my dad overrjoyed and my little sister screamed!
Not only did I get to surprise my family but I surprised some friends. One in particular was my dear friend Sandra. I knew she was running a race on Sunday morning and I made a "way to go"/"surprise" poster for her and when she crossed the finish line I was there holding the poster. She saw the poster and her eyes bugged out of her head shocked that I was standing there. She hugged me and was elated. I was so happy to be there with her. It was priceless.
I am home for another 2 weeks and trying to see everyone. I will make time for everyone. So if you want to see me...you know how to get in touch!