October 22, 2009

My wonderful visit home...time to bid adieu.

These three weeks have gone by waaaay too fast for my liking. I do not like to or want to say goodbye. However, I remind myself that I will only be gone for 6...tops 7 months. My contract ends March 31st and then I plan on traveling a bit (Hong Kong, China, and South Korea) before I venture home for good. And when I return home, I will be greeted with 2 new members of my family...my sister is pregnant with her 2nd baby... due in March...AND my sis-n-law is pregnant with her 3rd child...due in April. WOOHOO!

While I have been home visiting with family and friends I have been able to do a lot. I went to the last Cubs game of the season, two Hawks games, Euchre, Bon Iver concert in Wisconsin, Karaoke party, Thanksgiving dinner, went to the movies and much much more. I have had nothing but an amazing time while home. I have missed you all so very much. I can't believe I spent a whole year without you but I am so glad that it seemed like a day never went by. These next 6 months will go by so fast, I promise.

Thank you to everyone who bought me a meal, a beer, or a glass of wine. It has been much appreciated. I ate well while home because of you! God only knows how I would have afforded all those delicious meals and drinks. And thank you mom for cooking some ever so decadent meals.

I wish I would have traveled the world sooner as I may have come to the realization that there is no better place than home. Leaving this second time has been harder than the first. I don't know if I will ever be able to leave again. I wish I had more time to spend with you but school starts on Monday. Big hugs and kisses! I'll see you soon.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Have a safe flight and will see you on Skype