April 3, 2009

Vang Vieng, Laos

I can not even begin to describe the beauty that I saw on my way to Vang Vieng from Luang Prabang. The 6 hour bus ride was stunning, gorgeous, breathtaking, and absolutely nothing I have ever seen before. The landscape and scenery were unbelievable. The small little villages we drove through were indescribable!

Vang Vieng on the other hand was just a little pop-up backpackers stopover town. Every bar, restaurant, and such was either playing an episode of Friends, Family Guy or a movie...odd I say. One of the main attractions of the town is to go innertubing down the river...I did not partake. We ended up only staying the night and headed out early afternoon for the capital city, Vientiane.


JS&A said...

I see you added another fish dish!!! Possibly a change of heart =)

Mom said...

Have you had any problems with language?

Kim said...

No intertubing for you?? Why not? You've conquered everything else so far!