March 29, 2010

What will and won't be missed...

Here's a short short list of what I'll miss:
The Thai people, the culture, the ruins, street food everywhere, the respect for the King, the smiles, the genuineness, the islands, chang beer, motorbike taxis, songtails, the klong, the 20baht earrings, the language barrier, fresh fruit, Ekamaii, monks, somtom, sticky rice, the warm weather all year round, the cost of living, Red Fan, Grandma's, Jim Jum, Tuk Tuks, Buddhism, Wats, massages, tom yum, the rural landscape, chai nom yen.

What I won't miss:
The Thai brooms, lesson planning, the pollution, the language barrier, my clothes smelling like fried chicken, always sweating, firing range across the street, BangNa, the horrible plywood mattresses, cold showers, the monsoon rain, the shameless public nose picking, cockroaches, rancid smells, dried squid, squatter toilets, having to carry toilet paper all the time.

Oh Thailand. What a great ride its been.

1 comment:

mens health said...

Hello nice blog my friend.. its really great to see